Antique-style map of Hokkaido

Soya Regional Development Bureau, Hokkaido

Simple illustration of the shape of Rebun Island and Rishiri Island

Hokkaido silhouette

Oshidomari Port Ferry Terminal and Mount Rishiri

Mt. Rishiri from Otatomari Marsh

Hand-drawn Mt. Rishiri in early summer season

A little loose Rishiri Island map Hokkaido

Rishiri Island

Rishiri Island (Hokkaido)

Rishiri Island map

Hand-drawn Mt. Rishiri

Over the sea on Rishiri Island, Hokkaido

Rebun Island and Rishiri Island (Hokkaido)

Rebun Island and Rishiri Island (Hokkaido)

A slightly loose map of Hokkaido divided by branch offices
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