
Town needle (4 color set)

Set of 9 different colors of sewing needles, embroidery needles and needles

"Arrow (➡) Combination" material (new) B_04

"Arrow (➡) Combination" material (new) B_05

"Arrow (➡) Combination" material (new) B_03

"Arrow (➡) Combination" material (new) B_01

"Arrow (➡) Combination" material (new) B_02

"Crayon Touch" handwriting frame_04

"Arrow (➡) Combination" material (new)

"Arrow (➡) Combination" material (new)_03

"Arrow (➡) Combination" material (new)_02

"Arrow (➡) Combination" material (new)_05

"Arrow (➡) Combination" material (new)_04

"Crayon Touch" handwriting frame_02

"Triple border" gradation frame_01

"Crayon frame" color horizontal material_02

"Crayon frame" color horizontal material_03

"Horizontal ring notebook" single material A_04

"Horizontal ring notebook" single material A_01

"Horizontal ring notebook" single material A_03

"Horizontal ring notebook" single material A_05

"Horizontal ring notebook" single material A_02

"3D design" border material_01

"3D design" border material_02

"3D design" border material_03

"3D design" border material_05

"3D design" border material_04

"Crayon frame" color horizontal material_04

"Crayon frame" color horizontal material_01

"Japanese paper & gradation frame" collaboration_01

"Japanese paper & gradation frame" collaboration_05

"Japanese paper & gradation frame" collaboration_04

"Japanese paper & gradation frame" collaboration_02

"Japanese paper & gradation frame" collaboration_03

"Triple border" gradation frame_02

"Triple border" gradation frame_05

"Triple border" gradation frame_04

"Triple border" gradation frame_03

"Wave-shaped border" pastel material (small)_03

"Wave-shaped border" pastel material (small)_01

"Wave-shaped border" pastel material (large)_05

"Wave-shaped border" pastel material (small)_04

"Wave-shaped border" pastel material (small)_05

"Wave-shaped border" pastel material (large)_02

"Wave-shaped border" pastel material (large)_04

"Wave-shaped border" pastel material (small)_02

"Wave-shaped border" pastel material (large)_03

"Wave-shaped border" pastel material (large)_01

"Corner guard" arrangement material_02

"Corner guard" arrangement material_05

"Corner guard" arrangement material_03

"Corner guard" arrangement material_01

"Corner guard" arrangement material_04

"Crayon Touch" handwriting frame_01

"Horizontal ring notebook" single material C_05

"Horizontal ring notebook" single material C_01

"Horizontal ring notebook" single material C_04

"Horizontal ring notebook" single material C_02

"Horizontal ring notebook" single material C_03

"Horizontal ring notebook" single material B_05

"Horizontal ring notebook" single material B_04

"Horizontal ring notebook" single material B_02

"Horizontal ring notebook" single material B_03

"Horizontal ring notebook" single material B_01

Dull color rounded corner deformation frame (small)_03

Dull color rounded corner deformation frame (large)_01

Dark colored curved pointy frame_02

Dull color rounded corner deformation frame (small)_01

Blunt color rounded corner deformation frame (small)_02

Gray curved pointy frame (small)_01

Gray curved pointy frame (small)_02

Gray curved pointy frame_05

Dull color rounded corner deformation frame (large)_03

Blunt color rounded corner deformation frame (small)_04

Gray curved pointy frame (small)_03

Dark colored curved pointy frame_03

Gray curved pointy frame (small)_04

Gray curved pointy frame (small)_05

Blunt color rounded corner deformation frame (small)_05

Blunt color rounded corner deformation frame (large)_04

Dull color rounded corner deformation frame (large)_02

Dull color rounded corner deformation frame (large)_05

Dark colored curved pointy frame_01

Dark colored curved pointy frame_04

“Rhombus design” single material 01

Ring notebook type frame (new)_01

Ring notebook type frame (new)_04

Ring notebook type frame (new)_05

Ring notebook type (horizontal version)_03

Ring notebook type (horizontal version)_05

Ring notebook type (horizontal version)_01

Ring notebook type (horizontal version)_02

Ring notebook type frame (new)_02

Ring notebook type frame (new)_03

Ring notebook type (horizontal version)_04

“Rhombus design” single material 02

"Noise design" speech bubble material_03

"Noise design" speech bubble material_02

"Noise design" speech bubble material_04
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